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Queenscliff Music Festival 2017

Queenscliff Music Festival Report 2017

bellarine catchment networkqueenscliff music festival

Jane Queenscliff music festival

This was the second year that the Bellarine Catchment Network was invited to have a booth at the Queenscliff Music Festival. The BCN aimed to work with QMF in order to engage the community and involve them in environmental education and on ground work programs (specifically revegetation and weed control).

It was another fun year which attracted over 160 participants. 50 children and 20 adults were involved on Saturday, and Sunday saw 75 children and 20 adults engaged.

QMF stats

This year  the BCN ran several interactive activities from the booth, including a plant propagation station, craft stations, and a few informative educational displays.

At the craft station, the 'Be a Hero' campaign posters were provided for decoration. There were also stencils for crafters to get creative and make their own posters.

sophie bcn queenscliff music festival plant propagationlachie qmf bcn

At the plant propagation table, participants were given a selection of indigenous plants, and were able to propagate their own plant. They did this by choosing a method (either cutting, seeding or pricking out) and potting the plant themselves. After potting, each plant was marked with the name of the potter, and the species of the plant, and will be planted on the Swan Bay foreshore area.

This will give members of the community something to look upon as a positive contribution back into the local environment for years to come.

discovery table queenscliff music festival bellarine catchment network   kids at qmf bellarine catchment network

On the beachcomb discovery table, a mock beachcomb display was set up with a variety of species laid out. Species were identified with participants and their marine values were discussed, concluding with how our actions can impact the species on both the foreshore and marine environments.

There were informative education displays throughout the booth, with the Hooded Plover and other protected species being highlighted. Bellarine community groups were also supported in the booth, including Friends of the Hooded Plover and the Swan Bay Environment Association

To see a PDF of the full report, click here.